Wednesday, March 9, 2011



This movie involves a group of dream extractors, who steal secrets for there clients from unconcious others.By planing an idea , they wind up crossing multiple, overlapping realities that are shot in six different locales.On the basis of dreams a whole new  world is created with imaginary people objects and things which can be controlled by Cobb.there is a lot of planning and calculation like 5 minutes of sleep is equal to an hour in a dream.
It begins with Cobb lying in a beach and then they show Cobb and saito having a conversation.Saito is shown that he is very old , he says to Cobb i had met a dream extractor like you long ago who carried a totem.In the next scene we see that Saito is being incepted, and Cobb explains to him how the process of inception works.Cobb breaks into the safe to steal,in the meanwhile Mal his wife who is a projection abducts Arther Cobb's patner, and threatens him.Cobb is insited to tell Saito his clients name he refuses .Cobb shoots Arther as he wakes up from the dream.Cobb runs away with the confidential papers.As time runs out Cobb is thrown into a tub of water(kick) to bring him out of the dream.This was actually in the second level of dream. In the first level the appartment, Cobb and Saito have a talk where Saito says he is impressed by Cobb, Cobb argues that he extracted all of Saitos secrets.Now the actual place is shown ehre they all so to sleep is in a bullet train, a boy watches the time and wakes Cobb,Arthur and  Nash the architect of the dream.The next scene is in Paris in a hotel room , where Cobb spins the totem to check wether he is dreaming , he lifts the gun but soon the totem falls as he wasnt dreaming, then comes a call for him from his children.
Arthur comes into the appartment and leaves with Cobb.In the helicopter Cobb suprised to see Saito who abducted Nash .Cobb is approached by the wealthy Mr. Saito , Cobb's last extraction target, asking them to perform the act of "inception", planting an idea within the person's subconscious mind. Saito wishes to break up the vast energy empire of his competitor, the ailing Maurice Fischer, by suggesting this idea to his son Robert Fischer  who will inherit the empire when his father dies. Should Cobb succeed, Saito promises to use his influence to clear Cobb of the murder charges for his wife's death, allowing Cobb to re-enter the United States and reunite with his children.During the talk in the helicopter the movement of the camera tracking the helicopter is one of my favourite scenes in the movie and thats a mis en scene.
In Paris Cobb is meets his father in law and asks for his best student to help him in building the environment of the dream. Cobb alo talks about Saito and explains him that he may have a chance to comeback home n meet his children may be this is his last and the only chance.Ariadne the architecture student meets Cobb and he explains to her what sort of a job she is in for.He takes her in his dream world and explains all about the dream world .
Cobb's next destination is Mombassa as he needs a skilled forger.There he meets Eames , now i like this whole scene where Cobb is being chased by men from cobal enenering as they had a price on Cobb's head . there is a paticular shot where it is been shot fom a aerial view, this was really amazing camera angle which impressed me a lot.
Next Eames brings Cobb and Saito to Yusuf  a chemist who concocts the powerful sedative needed to stabilize the layers of the shared dream.He agrees to work with them a six member team.In the mean while in Paris Arthur explains Ariadne about building complex mazes etc. The research begins on Maurice Fischer , Brownning his right hand in the buisness and  Robert Fischer  his son.Eames explains to the team about how he is going to work as Arthur is very impressed with his ideas.All sorts of planning takes place .
The job is set into motion when Maurice Fischer dies and his son accompanies his father's body from Sydney to Los Angeles. During the flight, Cobb sedates Fischer, and the team bring him into a three-level shared dream. At each stage, the member of the team who is "creating" the dream remains while the other team members fall asleep within the dream to travel further down into Fischer's subconscious. The dreamers will then ride a synchronized system of "kicks" (a car diving off a bridge, a falling elevator, and a collapsing building) back up the levels to wake up to reality. In the first level, Yusuf's dream of a rainy city, the team successfully abducts Fischer, but the team is attacked by Fischer's militarized subconscious projections, which have been trained to hunt and kill extractors. Saito is mortally wounded during the shoot-out, but due to the strength of Yusuf's sedative, dying in the dream will send them into limbo, a deep subconscious level where they may lose their grip on reality and be trapped indefinitely.
Eames takes the appearance of Fischer's godfather Peter Browning  to suggest that he reconsider his opinion of his father's will.There is a dialogue where Eames says to Arthur"you mus'nt be afraid to dream a little bigger darling"and fires a granade and blasts the transformer off,this is a very nice scene which i liked. Yusuf remains on the first level driving a van through the streets lot of gun fire and action through the streets as Fischers projection start to attack them.Yusuf stays while the remaining characters enter Arthur's dream, taking place in a corporate hotel.Here Eames forges himself into a  charming lady and flicks Fischer's wallet.Cobb introduces him to Fischer and informs him that he has been abducted so he safe gaurds him and persuades him to tell him what had happend in his previous dream. While Yusuf is driving in the first level there is a scene where the car topples , which affects the 2nd level.Its just amazing the way Christopher nolan has introduced the concept of gravity.this is one of my another favourite scenes where the van topples and Arhtur fights fischer's projections.the way vfx has been used is also something worth watching.And after the toppling is over Yusuf smiles and asks "did u see that" , and his expression suddenly changes thats a nice shot.
 Cobb turns Fischer against Browning and persuades him to join the team as Arthur runs point, and they descend to the third dream level, a snowy mountain fortress dreamed by Eames, which Fischer is told represents Browning's subconscious. Yusuf's evasive driving on the first level manifests as distorted gravity effects on the second and an avalanche on the third. After the avalanche is over(kick) Fischer complains "couldnt someone have dreamt up a goddamn beach" another favourite dialogue of mine.
The sequence in the hotel room is so gripping when the van falls off the bridge,the way Arthur ties all of them using cables an takes the gradually to the ellevator, and preparing for the kick.
The anticipation built by the director when Mal kills Fischer is something which makes me really wonder like Eames whats behind the doors.After Fischer is shot Cobb and Adriane decide to go to the fourth level to revive Fischer.Down in the 4 th level Fischer is brought back to life by the kick which Adriane gave by throwing him off and Adriane jumps off the building and wakes up in the 3rd level .Cobb and Mal have an argument Cobb discloses that he had incepted her, hence she stabs him and mAdriane fires a bullet.
The bolt opens and Fischer walks into the room and  sees his  father in deathbed.The aeroplane scene a misen scene the most pleasing part of the sceane where Cobb wakes up and is astonished to see he is fine and he did the job suceessfully with lots of hindrances.Saito is pleased too.He calls off Cobbs charges and he goes back home to LA and meets his children.


Continuity majorly comes into play when the switch between three levels of dream keeps happening , the flow maintained by the director is so brilliant that we donot get distracted.In the begining and the end both the places where they are dreaming the switch between the levels happen so nicely that we donot realise it.
 My favourite continuity is when Cobb and Saito wake up and Saito is shown making a phone call and the next scene is cobb gets through the immigration and the next scene Cobb goes to meet his children.


In the start and end of the movie we see Cobb and Saito having food,then the scene where the helicopter flies when Cobb Saito and Arthur are on board and the scene where Saito and Cobb wake up in the plane.Another scene where Cobb is in Saito's place trying to steal some confidential papers just before that Cobb goes down the staircase hiding from the projections.

This movie had won the oscars for the best cinematography, that explains everything.The place where the van flips and simultaniously the gravity is lost and that is when i love the way camera angles change to make the audience feel that there is no gravity.


The music score is brilliantly done , it creates an atmosphere of curiosity and thrill.


Each time some one dreamt a new dreamscape is created by the architect and in each level its done so brilliantly it just makes the audience feel that they are also dreaming with the charecters.The sets . the costume and the props very apt.

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